Twisted Forest
Iført en beskyttende dragt føres du igennem krat, over træstubbe, ned ad skrænter, helt tæt på bark og græs. TWISTED FOREST ligger udenfor stierne og manifesterer sig i usynlige zoner spredt ud i landskabet. Du er først klar over, at du er i en zone, når du træder ind i den.
I nogle zoner møder du performere, der udfordrer din umiddelbare opfattelse af stedet og åbner mørklagte facetter af dine sanser – godt hjulpet af skovens geniale anatomi.
Andre gange finder din gruppe selv sin retning og inviteres ind i oplevelser via det interaktive soundscape.

(Teksteksempel Gotland version af Twisted Forest, hvor publikum står på en klippe. Titel: Mineral Body)
If you were a stone
you would be so much more wise
one by one
you could move the minerals inside you
refining and rebuilding
your own dense space
all movements
so well thought through
you would be lying for millions of years
on the sea bed
letting your body soften
by gentle underwater streams
you could use a millenium
absorbing a luminous tongue of chalk
grow crystals and shadows of small animals
you would sense the changing eras, ice ages
as a fast moving pulse
at some point
the sea would sink
forest would rise on your sides
trees would drop their pines and leaves on you
in your stable structures
thoughts of eternal wisdom
would appear
and fade away again
pleasure would be raindrops
playfully painting your surface
a crack, an earthquake, a forest fire
would cheer you up
If you were a stone
you feel the people standing here
as subtle watery weights on top of you
so now reach down
touch one piece of rock
rub it with your fingers
Imagine the thoughts
burried inside
when you are ready
leave this place
Min rolle:
Poetiske tekster / instruktionstekster (soundspots)
Desuden medskaber af koncept og dramaturgi
Teatergruppe/produceret af:
Instruktør/kunstnerisk leder:
Mette Aakjær
Hvor og hvornår:
Århus, 2022
Samsø, 2023
Gotland, 2023
Island. 2023